NewsGator Pro Test

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Testing Newsgator Pro Account

So I talked to Newsgator and have upgraded the feed display to professional for half a month so we can make it the way we want it. I'm not sure however if I can expand it past twenty feeds. If that's so, we might have to look for something else. We've gotten so many feeds and people post so often that things often disappear by the middle of the day and that is one of the things we want to change.

Also, if anyone is good at CSS or HTML and wants to help fix this up let me know. I know some basic html code, but not enough to get deep into it.


pitch said...

Think my blog could be added the the News Feeder? It focuses on 'green' transit but I intend to include a lot of mass transit information.

Pantograph Trolleypole said...

Hey Pitch, sorry I haven't added you yet. I've gotta get some stuff back from Newsgator and figure out how to change it up. They locked the account for now.

Adron said...

Heya... shoot me an e-mail.

adronhall at gmail dot com

... let me know what the status of this project is. If need be I could write an RSS feed app just for this purpose. We'll just need a host and domain name, which I figure u have already.

Lemme know.


nb said...

Any chance you can update my feed for Rail Life? the url is
That would be GREATLY appreciated. The current link you have here has been changed as no longer works.

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